CATECHESIS FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS Come and Listen Venue: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church (in the basement), 97 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Time: Mondays and Thursdays at 7:30 pm during Lent. ALL ARE WELCOME. FREE BABYSITTING PROVIDED AS NEEDED. Who is God for you? Does He love you? Does He have a plan for you? If God exists, why do you experience suffering and death? What is the meaning of your life? Is it possible to experience lasting happiness? Are you living with regret? Have you experienced suffering that you cannot understand? GOD LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE, EVEN WITH YOUR SINS AND MISTAKES. CHRIST HAS DIED FOR US TO SAVE US FROM DEATH AND GIVE US ETERNAL LIFE. In the early Church those that wanted to become Christian had to begin a "catechumenate", an itinerary of formation in preparation for Baptism. The situation in today's world has brought many people to abandon the faith and the Church: because of this there is a need for an itinerary of Christian formation.
Abstinence from meats in to observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on all Fridays of Lent. By the threefold discipline of fasting, almsgiving and prayer the Church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until evening of Holy Thursday. All of the faithful and the catechumens should undertake serious practice of these three traditions.
Abstinencia: Los católicos mayores de 14 años están obligados a guardar abstinencia todos los Viernes de cuaresma, lo que significa abstenerse de comer carne y sus derivados. La triple disciplina del ayuno, la limosna y la oración, la iglesia las mantiene en Cuaresma hasta la tarde del Jueves Santo. Todos los fieles deben emprender la practica seria de estas tres tradiciones. Pray with us the Stations of the Cross in English every Friday of Lent at 11:30am at Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Les recordamos el Via Crucis en Espanol se reza los viernes de Cuaresma a las 7:30pm en Nuestra Senora de Lourdes (Our Lady of Lourdes). The light is on for you during this Lenten season. We have confession every Saturday from 3-4pm in Saint Thomas Aquinas Lower Church (Chapel). We also have confessions on Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Tenemos confesiones todos los sabados de 3pm a 4pm en la capilla de la parroquia de Santo Tomas de Aquino, para los feligreses de las tres parroquias. Durante la Cuaresma tendremos confesiones los miercoles de 6 a 8 de la tarde en Nuestra Senora De Lourdes (Our Lady of Lourdes). |
August 2021