St. Vincent de Paul SocietyThe food pantry opens every Mondays evening 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) in the basement of Our Lady of Lourdes parish center (45 Brookside Avenue). We also need a strong enthusiastic volunteer to help with our Monday morning (9:15 - 11:15am) pick-ups from the Greater Boston Food Bank. If ou can help out, please call the rectory (617-524-0240). If you'd like to support us, please leave your monetary donation in the box/pillar in the entrance of the church. We no longer accept food, so please do not leave them inside the church.
Home VisitorsIf you are homebound or sick and need a Eucharistic Minister to bring you communion please contact the rectory (617-524-0240).
Transportation to MassWe offer transportation to the 12:30pm Spanish mass on Sundays within Jamaica Plain.
Please call the rectory (617-524-0240) to add your name to the pick up list. |