Social Justice: The Social Justice Cluster working group seeks to live our faith through the promotion of justice in our neighborhood, our church and the broader world. Some ways parishioners are invited to put this into action include:
Este grupo busca vivir nuestra fe a través de la promoción de la justicia en nuestro vecindario, nuestra iglesia y en mundo más amplio. Algunas de las formas en la que los parroquianos colaboran son:
- Racism – through listening to the life stories of African American parishioners, readings, films, and reflection on “white privilege” and institutional racism, and workshops on race, culture, and class, our cluster works to address the obvious and subtle ways that we as individuals, parish, and community witness and experience racism, and to act to challenge it in our daily lives.
- Immigration – within our parish and our cluster, with our neighbors, and in collaboration with interfaith groups, we have explored and have begun to put into action, steps to welcome, understand, and protect immigrants in our midst.
- Food Pantry - operates Wednesday nights, providing wholesome and nutritious food from the Greater Boston Food Bank and parishioner donations to parishioners and residents within our parish boundaries who are in need.
- Fair Trade Products - seasonal sales of coffee, tea, cocoa, nuts, and chocolate bars after Masses and special events. Sale of these products benefits small farmers in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Mexico, El Salvador, Ethiopia, and Colombia. A portion of the purchases supports cluster activities.
- Archdiocesan Social Justice Convocation – though our parish is small, we try to have a broader impact within the church, by sharing our activities each year and hearing the stories of others at Archdiocesan Social Justice Convocation.
- Outreach – to our neighbors through participation in community events and activities, or through invitation to gatherings in our own church, parish house or front yard.
- Advocacy/Solidarity – working collaboratively with interfaith and community organizations to promote social justice issues, attending and promoting rallies, meetings and prayer services, bringing concrete action steps to our own parish around legislative proposals.
- Neighborhood Walks and Peace Vigils – showing solidarity with a neighborhood sometimes threatened by violence and fear, through initiating or joining in walks, peace vigils, or events that highlight the resources and richness of the Egleston Square community and the work of the Mothers’ Walk for Peace.
- Workshops and Speakers – on issues such as worker rights, refugees and immigration, racism, and housing.
- Clearinghouse – the cluster serves as a clearinghouse for new service and advocacy opportunities as they present themselves for consideration, helping the parish to prioritize among the many needs that cry out for justice.
Este grupo busca vivir nuestra fe a través de la promoción de la justicia en nuestro vecindario, nuestra iglesia y en mundo más amplio. Algunas de las formas en la que los parroquianos colaboran son:
- Enlace - a nuestros vecinos por participación en sus eventos y actividades, o por invitación a reuniones en nuestra iglesia, centro parroquial, o afuera.
- Venta de productos al precio justo - venta de café, te, cocoa, almendras, granos, frutas y barras de chocolate, después de las Misas. La venta de estos productos beneficia a pequeños agricultores en países como la Republica Dominicana, El Salvador, Etiopia, Tanzania y Colombia y una porción de las ganancias va a las arcas de la parroquia.
- Despensa de Comida – funciona los miércoles en la noche en Santa María de los Ángeles y gracias al Greater Boston Food Bank y a la generosa contribución de otros parroquianos, provee comida a parroquianos y residentes del vecindario que están en necesidad mayor.
- Caminatas del vecindario en tiempo de verano/Vigilias de la Paz en el verano- Parroquianos se han reunido ya sea para caminar por los alrededores del vecindario de Santa María de los Ángeles, hablar con los vecinos y testimoniar un sentido de comunidad a una área geográfica que vive en el miedo y la desesperación, o presentarse como testigos silenciosos e invisibles por la paz, al frente de la casa parroquial, en la esquina de las calles Walnut y Colombus con banderas y distribuyendo afiches y material apropiado.
- Talleres y Conferencias – sobre temas relacionados con la diferencia económica, la