We remind you that 2017 Catholic Appeal Goal for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish this year is $21,062.00. Up to date, $1,868.00 have been pledged (9% of the goal). Please be advised that your donation may take some time to be recorded. If you have not pledged a gift yet, please take one blue envelope today and make a pledge towards this important archdiocesan collection. Thank you for your generosity!
Les recordamos que la meta asignada a nuestra pa-rroquia para el Llamado Católico de este año es de $21,062.00. Hasta la fecha se han recibido $1,868.00 en promesas. Recuerde que puede tomar tiempo hasta que su donación sea contabilizada. Por favor, tome y rellene uno de los sobres azules para esta colecta especial arquidiocesana. ¡Gracias por su generosidad! We remind you that 2017 Catholic Appeal Goal for our St. Thomas Aquinas Parish this year is $26,044.00. Up to date, $4,685.00 have been pledged (18% of the goal). Please be advised that your donation may take some time to be recorded. If you have not pledged a gift yet, please take one blue envelope today and make a pledge towards this important archdiocesan collection. Thank tou for your generosity!
Les recordamos que la meta asignada a nuestra parroquia para el Llamado Católico de este año es de $26,044.00. Hasta la fecha se han recibido $4,865.00 dólares en promesas. Recuerde que puede tomar tiempo hasta que su donación sea contabilizada. Si no ha hecho una promesa todavía, por favor, tome y rellene uno de los sobres azules para esta colecta especial arquidiocesana. ¡Gracias por su generosidad!
Dear Friend in Christ:
Each year at this time, I am reminded of how blessed we are for the many ministries and programs—made possible through your support of the Catholic Appeal—that help make our parish a vibrant community of faith. In the coming weeks, you will learn more about the Appeal which launches in parishes across the Archdiocese on March 11 and 12. I invite you to pledge your early support by clicking on the donate button above. Your commitment to this important work will help our parish meet its annual goal and will help so many in need. Also, I invite you to watch this year's brief Catholic Appeal video that highlights some wonderful ministries that are making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. These stories illustrate the impact that Central Ministries has each and every day throughout our Archdiocese. If you would like to learn more about the Appeal, please visit bostoncatholicappeal.org. Thank you in advance for your generous support and prayers for a successful Catholic Appeal. God Bless, Rev. Carlos Flor |
August 2021